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Part of KKO-3
KKO-5 Suit
KKO-5 Suit
Credit: Zvezda
Russian pressure suit, operational 1961. The KKO-5 partial pressure suit was introduced for pilots of Mach 2 aircraft such as the MiG-21 and Su-9 at the beginning of the 1960's. It represented the largest production run of any pressure suit model.

Status: operational 1961.

The Russian VKK-4 and -6Ms partial pressure suits, as used with their aluminum GSh-4 and -6 helmets in such aircraft types as the MiG-21, bear more than superficial similarity to the American capstan-type mechanical partial pressure suits.

Family: Space Suits. Country: Russia. Agency: Zvezda Design Bureau.
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Gshch-4 Pressure SuiGshch-4 Pressure Sui

Soviet pressure suit

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