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Skylab Lunar Orbit Station
Part of Skylab

Skylab Cutaway
Cutaway of the Skylab space station.
Credit: NASA
American manned lunar orbiter. Study 1970. McDonnell Douglas (Seal Beach, CA) did a study on modifying the to modify the Skylab as a moon-orbiting observatory and station
Status: Study 1970.
Jim Craig recalls:
I proposed this to MD in 1970 (as a 12 year-old!), with sketches and
mission summary that I hand drew. The proposal would sent a "wet-tank" S-IVB stage Skylab to a moon orbit, the crew quarters to be further outfitted by subsequent Apollo crews after excess fuel purging. The station would
conduct in-depth scientific surveys and mapping of the moon.A company vice president sent me a nice letter in response, along with a copy of their own internal study of this mission (great minds think alike!). Unfortunately, I have lost both over the years.
Lunar Orbiters.
Launch Vehicles:
Saturn V.
Seal Beach.
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